
Welcome to our digital cafe. We encourage you to view embedded videos in-house. Resist the urge to enlarge them; instead, simply push play and scroll to explore. Every compartment of our creative cafe packs content for leaders and change-makers to explore and extend own understanding of Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity (EID) policies, procedures, and practices.
Re-imagine what Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity looks-like, sounds-like, and feels-like when in practice! Join us to explore connections between plants and people using key permaculture ethics (i.e., fair share, care for earth, and care for people) and paralleling 12 permaculture principles.
The Quinte Cultural Innovation Committee (QCIC) is dedicated to challenging organizational bodies to prioritize Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity (EID) through holistic approaches rooted in permaculture ethics and principles. We explore BIPOC+ allyship by exploring connections between plants and people while taking action on our key mandates. QCIC is a BIPOC-led non-profit organization.

BIPOC+ is more than just an identity acronym; it's a symbol of unity and solidarity among Black, Indigenous, People of Colour, and White allies. The '+' in BIPOC+ represents the bridge that connects us all as ONE united hu(e)man race.
As ONE race, it is imperative that we respect and honour each other's strengths, equivalencies, needs, and differences. Simultaneously, we must also confront and address historical and present-day injustices with honesty and integrity, working together to restore collective peace through Truth and Reconcili-action.
Through our licensable "Permaculture Club", we challenge both young and mature youth and adults to stay anchored on basic principles learned in Kindergarten: share, care, and play fair while tackling food insecurity. Through transformative connected experiences, workshops, consulting and resources, we aim to shift hearts and minds about BIPOC+ Equity.
Note: The 'W' in "white" is typically not capitalized in written content to symbolically dismantle the ideology of white racial supremacy that has dehumanized and colonized nations of people around the globe.

Affordable Eco Housing for Marginalized People: We advocate for and work towards the development of affordable eco housing solutions for marginalized communities. By incorporating permaculture principles into housing design and construction, we aim to create sustainable and environmentally friendly living spaces that are accessible to all.
Food Security and Sovereignty through Permaculture: We promote food security and sovereignty through permaculture practices that prioritize regenerative agriculture, community gardening, and sustainable food production. By connecting people with the land and empowering communities to grow their own food, we aim to address food insecurity and promote resilience in the face of environmental challenges.
Equity in Education: We advocate for equitable access to education for all individuals, regardless of race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status. Through our initiatives, we strive to address systemic barriers to education and create inclusive learning environments that value diversity, promote cultural understanding, and empower students to succeed.
Connected Events for BIPOC+ Allies through the Arts: We organize and host events that bring together BIPOC+ allies to connect, collaborate, and celebrate through the arts. These events provide opportunities for cultural exchange, creative expression, and community building, fostering a sense of belonging and solidarity among participants.
QCIC takes a multi-faceted approach to advancing our key manadates:
Permaculture Integration: We integrate permaculture ethics and principles into our initiatives to promote holistic and sustainable solutions. By drawing connections between plants and people, we aim to foster a deeper understanding of the interdependence of all living beings and the importance of stewardship of the earth.
Community Engagement: We actively engage with communities to identify their needs and priorities, ensuring that our initiatives are responsive and relevant. By centering the voices and experiences of marginalized individuals, we strive to create meaningful and impactful change.
Collaborative Partnerships: We collaborate with other organizations, government agencies, and stakeholders to leverage resources, expertise, and networks. By working together, we can amplify our impact and achieve greater collective outcomes.

The "Mirror Message" puzzle from the Peace Shop offers a unique perspective on social justice and human rights by highlighting the parallels between #BlackLivesMatter and #EveryChildMatters. With each of its 252 intricately crafted pieces, this puzzle reflects the interconnectedness of these movements and the importance of advocating for equity and justice for all.
As you piece together the puzzle, you'll uncover powerful messages that resonate with the shared struggles and aspirations of marginalized communities worldwide. From the fight against systemic racism to the call for Indigenous rights and reconciliation, the Mirror Message Jigsaw Puzzle invites reflection on our collective responsibility to create a more just and inclusive society.
Through its thought-provoking design and empowering messages, this puzzle serves as a reminder that every voice matters and every life deserves dignity and respect. Join the conversation and amplify the message of solidarity and allyship with the Mirror Message Jigsaw Puzzle.
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This soundtrack features Emmanuel Jal (QCIC's Headlining Partner in presenting Jalgua Peace Festival).